Baby Led Enlightenment

Pregnancy & Parenting

Enlightenment Tools


Gain the knowledge you need to become the parent you want to be. Learn how to find your ideal personal parenting path.


Build the confidence to make positive life changes to raise healthy, happy, emotionally intelligent children.


Find solutions for common pregnancy and parenting topics. Utilize our checklists, tips, how-to guides, courses, workshops, strategy plans, and much, much more!


Know that you're never alone along your journey. Between one-on-one coaching, support group meetings, email support, and our facebook group, support is always available!

It takes a village!

You don't have to go it alone. We are here to support you, every step of the way.


Lily Bailey

“I’m having a homebirth!!! Baby Led Enlightenment I never could have done it without your help! Thank you!”

Leslie Beals

"There were so many things I had never even thought of before... I've got a lot of work to do, but now I have a plan for it! I can't wait for my next session!"

Amanda Carmichael

"I felt overwhelmed and unsupported... He had been a grumpy baby since birth. She helped me to... shift my mindset... and addressed the other issues and he was like a completely normal baby and I felt happy and was able to find my gentle again!"

Give your baby a better chance at the best start in life possible, and give yourself a better chance at having the birth experience you envision...

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